Is atheism the new way to go?
This debate between religion and science has raged on for far too long to recall, with some claiming that religion is the only way for a human to have morals and be prevented from harming another person. They very often state that when a person feels that they're being watched by a higher power, they feel it's necessary to be nice or they could burn in hell in their afterlife. On the other hand, we have atheism. Atheism, according to the Oxford dictionary, is the disbelief or lack of belief in a god or gods. They believe that in order to have morale, a person does not need to believe in God. As human beings, we have a sense of right from wrong, and any person who thinks murder is wrong just because God says so, well, let's just say that it's scary. Also, believing in an invisible higher entity is not everyone's cup of tea. Below, we're going to study in depth both the sides and their arguments. Religion This conversation about religion is very complex a...